
Unlocking the Power of Metacognition: A Transformative Approach to Teaching and Learning


At Permanent Education CIC, we are dedicated to enhancing educational outcomes through evidence-based strategies. One such powerful approach is metacognition training for teachers. By equipping educators with the tools to foster metacognitive skills in their students, we aim to create a learning environment where students not only acquire knowledge but also understand how to learn effectively.


What is Metacognition?

Metacognition, often described as "thinking about thinking," involves self-regulation and self-awareness in the learning process. It enables students to plan, monitor, and evaluate their understanding and performance. By developing metacognitive skills, students can become more independent learners, capable of adapting their strategies to tackle different challenges.

The Evidence Behind Metacognition

The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) has conducted extensive research on the impact of metacognition and self-regulated learning. According to their findings, teaching metacognitive strategies can significantly boost academic performance, especially for disadvantaged students. The EEF reports that these strategies can lead to an average of seven months' additional progress over the course of a year. For more detailed insights into the research, you can visit the EEF's Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning report.

A-Z Thinking Moves by Dialogueworks

In addition to the foundational principles of metacognition, our training incorporates the innovative A-Z Thinking Moves framework developed by Dialogueworks. 

This framework provides a fun and comprehensive shared vocabulary the whole school can use.

 The A-Z Thinking Moves encourage students to engage in various types of thinking, such as analysing, synthesising, and evaluating information. 


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Metacognition Training for Teachers

Our metacognition training  is designed to help teachers integrate these vital strategies into their daily practice.

 Through a combination of workshops, resources, and ongoing support, we empower educators to:


Model Metacognitive Strategies: Demonstrating thinking processes aloud to show students how to plan, monitor, and evaluate their learning.


Encourage Reflection: Creating opportunities for students to reflect on their learning experiences and outcomes.


Promote an independent approach to learning: Helping students to understand that effort and persistence are key to learning.

Forthcoming Dates:

Introduction to Metacognition 

Online £25 

19th September - 3.30-5.30pm


Introduction to Metacognition 

Online £25 

17th October - 3.30-5.30pm


Introduction to Metacognition 

Online £25 

21st November - 3.30-5.30pm


Only 12 places available per course so book soon to secure your place. 


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